Greetings all that view this blog! This is my first entry on my website… and actually my first time creating a website!

This will be more like a personal blog of my venture through product photography. I still have a lot to learn since i really need to build on my experience! On a good note though is that I’m building a somewhat mini studio for it.

Mainly I cant wait to continue reviewing figures. Its something I picked up in the past, I had a lot of fun even though I only reviewed 3 figures. But using the janky setup was really frustrating, but this time we’re gonna do it right!

The reviews I did make are on a website called “My Figure Collection”. I still love that website so ill most likely be posting the reviews on there as well as this blog. I really hope the improvements make a nice change. I can defiantly see the flaws which were made in the past reviews I created, mainly with white balance!

So yes, hopefully I stay consistent with this and share my progress!